Arsenopyrite dissolution in circumneutral oxic …

At the end of the arsenopyrite-only control experiment, the amounts of As(III) and As(V) accounted for approximately 67% and 33% of the total dissolved As, ... (1:1) in the formula of arsenopyrite (FeAsS), although a minor deviation existed probably due to the underestimated sulfur species from the incomplete oxidation of sulfur …

Infrared microthermometric and stable isotopic study of fluid

The Xihuashan tungsten deposit, Jiangxi province, China, is a world-class vein-type ore deposit hosted in Cambrian strata and Mesozoic granitic intrusions. There are two major sets of subparallel ore-bearing quartz veins. The ore mineral assemblage includes wolframite and molybdenite, with minor amounts of arsenopyrite, …

Textures and trace element signatures of pyrite and arsenopyrite …

The Gutaishan deposit is a slate-hosted lode Au–Sb deposit in the Xiangzhong Sb–Au metallogenic province, South China. The deposit has a proven reserve of ca. 9 -t gold at an average grade of 13-g/t and contains 2500-t Sb. The deposit represents the product of a complex ore-forming process, comprising four different stages, of which …

Arsenopyrite oxidation – A review | Request PDF

Request PDF | Arsenopyrite oxidation – A review | Arsenopyrite (FeAsS) is the most common As-bearing sulfide mineral. ... such an oxidized overlayer consists of scorodite and minor amounts of ...

Speciation and mobility of arsenic and antimony in soils and …

The ore, which is largely located in veins, is accompanied by a quartz-carbonate gangue with variable amounts of stibnite, and minor arsenopyrite and pyrite (FeS 2) (Němec and Zachariáš, 2018). Exploitation of Au in the Krásná Hora-Milešov deposits started during medieval times, with the Příčovy deposit exploited for a relatively …

Sediment-hosted disseminated gold deposits in orogenic …

Primary sulfide minerals are dominated by pyrite (70 vol%) and arsenopyrite (25 vol%), with minor to trace amounts of stibnite, chalcopyrite, marcasite, and galena. Gold mainly occurs as invisible gold within pyrite and arsenopyrite. Quartz, calcite, sericite, and minor amounts of illite are the gangue minerals here.

Metallogenic model of the Eocene Santa María and Antares …

Massive calcite is accompanied by minor amounts of quartz and barite ... chalcopyrite, and molybdenite (stage 1) overprinted by arsenopyrite, pyrite, galena, and minor pyrrhotite, molybdenite, Pb-Sb ± Bi sulfosalts, and marcasite (stage 2). Most ore associations are found as disseminations, veinlets, and massive bodies. Pyrrhotite is …

Environmental arsenopyrite stability and dissolution: theory

The arsenopyrite is commonly coarse-grained (typically 1 mm) and enclosed in quartz or impregnating schist breccia fragments within and adjacent to the quartz veins. The arsenopyrite is generally intimately intergrown with pyrite, and minor amounts of other sulphides: sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, and stibnite.

Textural characteristics and trace element distribution in

The Black Angel deposit represents the most important base metal deposit in Greenland, having produced 11.2 million tons of Pb-Zn-Ag ore from 1973 to 1990. The deposit is hosted by a greenschist facies calcitic marble of the Mârmorilik Formation of the Paleoproterozoic Karrat Group. The ore consists of sphalerite, pyrite, and galena, with …

Trace element geochemistry of sphalerite and

In addition, minor amounts of arsenopyrite and marcasite were identified during this survey. The samples analyzed in this work come from the upper semi-massive sulfide bodies. Representative microphotographs of samples containing the analyzed sphalerite from Palma are presented in Fig. S2.

Study of arsenopyrite weathering products in mine

Arsenopyrite-rich wastes from abandoned tungsten and tin exploitations were studied to determine the composition and characteristics of the secondary phases formed under natural weathering conditions so as to assess their potential environmental risk. ... with scorodite only present in minor amounts; the presence of the primary …

Texture, in-situ geochemical, and S isotopic analyses of …

Measured invisible Au concentrations in arsenopyrite generally exceed those in pyrite by one or two orders of magnitude (Tables A2 and A3), which is consistent with the empirical evidence for incorporation of greater amounts of chemically bound Au in arsenopyrite than pyrite formed under identical conditions (Reich et al., 2005).

Arsenopyrite dissolution rates in O2-bearing solutions

The XRD patterns obtained showed that the sample consisted of arsenopyrite as the main phase and a minor amount of quartz (approx. 5%). BSE image of the raw sample by Cameca SX-50 electron microprobe showed that arsenopyrite (AsFeS) was the dominant phase with minor amounts of quartz (SiO 2) (<3%), pyrite (FeS 2) …

Thioarsenate formation upon dissolution of orpiment and arsenopyrite

Thioarsenate formation upon arsenopyrite dissolution was low at neutral (4%) but significant at alkaline pH, especially under suboxic to sulfidic conditions (20–43%, mainly as monothioarsenate). In contrast to orpiment, we postulate that recombination of arsenite and sulfide in solution is of minor importance for monothioarsenate formation ...

Arsenic incorporation into FeS2 pyrite and its

FeS 2 pyrite, the most common iron sulphide mineral, can incorporate large amounts of arsenic (up to ca. 10.0 wt%, Abraitis et al., 2004) within its structure. In addition, these arsenian pyrites often contain minor and trace elements including valuable metals such as gold (e.g., Abraitis et al., 2004). It is therefore important to understand ...

Paragenesis and geochemistry of ore minerals in the …

Minor amounts of Au (0.027 ± 0.020 and 0.027 ± 0.020 wt%, respectively), Cu, Ni, and Co are detected in both Apy 2 and Apy 3 (Table 3). Fig. 13 Contents and correlations of As, S, Au, and Sb in different stages of arsenopyrite of the Yangshan gold belt, showing that the Apy 3 has higher contents of S and Sb and lower contents of As …

Arsenopyrite weathering under conditions of simulated

Metal extraction releases significant amounts of arsenopyrite (FeAsS) and other sulfide minerals (SM) containing potentially toxic elements (PTEs) including arsenic, lead, chromium, and cadmium into soils, surface and groundwater sources, and aquatic sediment. ... As observed, minor topographic modifications are identified on the …

Environmental arsenopyrite stability and dissolution: …

The arsenopyrite is commonly coarse-grained (typically 1 mm) and enclosed in quartz or impregnating schist breccia fragments within and adjacent to the …

Arsenopyrite Mineral Data

General Arsenopyrite Information : Chemical Formula: FeAsS : Composition: Molecular Weight = 162.83 gm Iron 34.30 % Fe Arsenic 46.01 % As Sulfur 19.69 % S _____ 100.00 …

Arsenic stability in arsenopyrite-rich cemented paste …

Arsenic is present as a minor element (0.38 wt%), even if no As-rich mineral was detected by XRD. In fact, SEM/EDS investigations proved that arsenopyrite was also present in these tailings, and is assumed to contain the most important part of the arsenic (Fig. 2). However, pyrite minerals could contain sometime traces of As, but in minor …

Trace Element Characteristics of Pyrite and Arsenopyrite …

Py-II occurs as subhedral grains (Figure 4e,g) with a minor sieve texture around the core, with diameters of several hundred microns to one micrometer, and as growth zones of Py-I with variable widths, in areas where small amounts of arsenopyrite occur. Both Py-I and Py-II are concentrated in areas with moderate sericite-ankerite …


minerals and phosphate minerals may be present in minor amounts. Greisen deposits consist of disseminated cassiterite and cassiterite-bearing veinlets, stockworks, lenses, pipes, and breccia (fig. 3) in gangue composed of ... chalcopyrite, bornite, arsenopyrite, enargite, stolzite, scheelite, zinnwaldite, topaz, tungstite, and native arsenic ...


Arsenopyrite (FeAsS), orpiment (As 2 S 3), and realgar ... Arsenopyrite is the major source of arsenic, contains minor gold, and used as herbicide, alloys, wood preservatives, medicine, insecticide, and rat poison. ... Mine tailings can contain substantial amounts of arsenic, and the weathering of these deposits can liberate arsenic into the ...

Novel insights into the kinetics and mechanism of …

The dry weight of the pyrite & arsenopyrite residue was reduced by 95.1% after bioleaching, compared to the initial load, while only 5% weight loss was observed …

Orogenic Gold Deposits

pyrrhotite, and minor amounts of chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, tellurides, and bismuth minerals (Table 5). Sulfides typically constitute less than 10% of the ore with

Arsenopyrite dissolution rates in O2-bearing solutions

BSE image of the raw sample by Cameca SX-50 electron microprobe showed that arsenopyrite (AsFeS) was the dominant phase with minor amounts of …

Jaguar Mine, Ten Mile Outcamp, Leonora Shire, Western …

The ore texture is typically finely banded to massive sulphide. The mineralogy includes pyrite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite and chalcopyrite. These are commonly intergrown with minor amounts of galena, stannite and arsenopyrite (Ellis, 2003). The pyrrhotite appears to be dominant over pyrite, unlike the Teutonic Bore deposit.

S, As, Fe and Au content in arsenopyrite and pyrite.

Idiomorphic arsenopyrite crystals frequently surround this pyrite, though they are also found inside it. ... In Salave, most of the gold is invisible one but minor amounts of free gold can be found.

Arsenopyrite Mineral | Uses and Properties

In addition to being found in deposits that are large enough to be minable, arsenopyrite is widely distributed. It is not an uncommon mineral. …

Arsenopyrite FeAsS

Mineral Group: Arsenopyrite group. Occurrence: Of hydrothermal origin, typically one of the earliest minerals to form. Found in pegmatites, high-temperature gold-quartz and tin …